Tag Archives: Air conditioning

  1. Habits & Mistakes to Avoid When Using Your AC Unit

    With summer just around the corner, you’ll soon be relying on your air conditioner unit to cool your home. However, certain habits or mistakes could spell trouble for your equipment. In addition to increased energy bills, they could cause your AC unit to work inefficiently in the long run. Today, Air Comfort Inc., your local…

  2. Air Conditioner Refrigerants: How They Work

    Refrigerant can be in either liquid or gas form, and is necessary for the efficiency of your air conditioner. It absorbs heat from the environment and provides air conditioning with the help of compressors and evaporators. While it’s an important component of your HVAC system, not many are aware of how refrigerants function. 

  3. Tips for Childproofing Your HVAC Registers

    Young children are curious creatures, and they tend to grip not only their toys but also the floor vents. They can drop small items into the air vents and even end up hurting themselves on them. It can be a challenge to prevent them from touching this component of your HVAC system.