For all businesses that need cold storage for their inventory or produce, a walk-in cooler and freezer is a must. However, this equipment can pose safety hazards if the proper precautions aren’t followed. In today’s post, the top air conditioning installation specialist, Air Comfort Inc, shares the most important safety practices to follow for walk-in coolers and freezers.

Best Safety Practices for Walk-In Coolers and Freezers

Safety Precautions

  • Stay dry. The number one cause of accidents when inside a walk-in cooler or freezer is slipping due to ice and water buildup. When in a freezer, be sure that the floor is free of spills, clean up loose ice and frost and get rid of any built-up condensation. Consider buying a squeegee to clean up the liquids on the floor on a daily basis. Keeping your floor dry ensures that employees in the cooler or freezer won’t suffer a bad slip on a hard day.
  • Inspect, clean and maintain. Make sure that you hire a cooling and heating repair contractor to inspect your walk-in cooler or freezer and assess its condition. Ensure that the vents and fans are free of dust and debris, inspect the sinks and drains to prevent clogging and particle buildup and check if the doors and latches can be operated easily. Keep an emergency fire axe close by in case of emergencies. Lastly, don’t hold off on any necessary repairs, as this can compromise the quality of your supplies and your employees’ safety. 
  • Have the proper equipment. Don’t let your employees go into a freezer or cooler in their normal office clothes or just a light jacket, as it will be difficult to work with in the biting cold wearing these things. Remember to have a step ladder ready in case they need to organize inventory on a higher shelf. Have freezer jackets ready as well with gloves and cold caps to keep them warm in the freezing temperatures that exist inside the freezer.

What Kind of Accidents Can Happen?

Listed below are possible accidents that can occur in walk-in coolers and freezers:

  • Slipping or falling due to ice and water buildup
  • Slipping or falling due to oil spills or product leakage
  • Tripping over boxes
  • Muscle strain from lifting heavy objects
  • Jammed freezer or cooler doors
  • Inhalation of toxic fumes
  • Exposure to mold and mildew
  • Hypothermia due to exposure to subzero temperatures for an extended period of time.

If you’re looking for the best HVAC contractor in your area, call on Air Comfort Inc! We’ve been in business since 1954, specializing in the design, service and installation of heating, cooling, ventilation and refrigeration units. You can trust our employees, as they’re the friendliest, most capable, hardest-working professionals in the region. Call us at (409) 833-5665 or (713) 869-2155 if you live in Houston. Don’t forget to fill out our contact form for a free quote!